July 1999
On July 19, the Pet Shop Boys release a new single, “I don’t know what you want but I can’t give it anymore”, recorded in New York that March and co-produced by David Morales. “It’s about the end of a relationship between two people,” says Neil, “Where they are no longer communicating. They don’t understand each other.” Chris offers his own, perhaps not entirely accurate, interpretation. “It’s about someone being a bit demanding,” he suggests. “Not doing the washing up and stuff.” In its video they are seen being transformed into their new look, developed with the theatre designer Ian McNeil, whose work they have admired on productions of An Inspector Calls and Machinale. They have decided that as the songs on their new album were less personal — “the lyrics are not necessarily reflections of me, Neil Tennant,” Neil says — they will now appear less naturalistic. This new appearance is partly inspired by a picture they saw in a magazine of Japanese men wearing samurai trousers. “We didn’t want the look to be just fashion, we wanted something that had an element of ritual in it,” they explain. “We just talked through ideas and we came up with a slightly samurai based look. I like the way it has a slightly ceremonial look about it. It makes you feel very different when you’re wearing it, and sometimes when you’re performing its good to feel bigger, or different, then yourself. And, also, it makes people look at you.”